Natural Healing Therapy
We believe that the human body (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) has an innate wisdom and can ultimately heal itself if given the tools to do so. The tools that we find helpful in the healing process are natural healing therapies such as acupuncture, massage, energy work, and holistic exercise.
These therapies provide the human body the experience of balance and energy, thus creating a less stressful and more peaceful life. The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75 to 90 percent of all visits to healthcare providers result from stress-related disorders. Many people believe that the services we provide are a luxury. We believe that if we are to live healthy lives, they are a necessity .
We are also addressing healthcare disparities in Milwaukee by providing another healthcare option to all income levels, with a special emphasis on those who are of low-income or those who are marginalized. We are providing a space for people of all income levels to gather to form community. We work to break down barriers of social isolation, as well as ethnic, racial, and cultural separation. We have developed, in collaboration with the Healing Collective (Partnership between Aurora Walkers Point free clinic and the Healing Center) , an integrative health model that incorporates the following:
Allopathic medicine
Natural healing modalities
Physical activity
Wellness and prevention education
Behavioral health services
Our health model enables self-healing as well as prevention of illness and complications from chronic conditions.
We serve all people, adults and children. What separates us from other wellness and natural healing centers is that our mission is to make our services available to do those who ordinarily do not have access because of financial constraints. All of our services are offered on a sliding fee schedule, based on income and number of dependents. We also provide interpretation for clients and families with limited English proficiency (LEP), and healthcare providers, communicating in a linguistically and culturally competent manner.