Core is a unique organization that separates us from other health clinics in Milwaukee. CORE El Centro’s mission is focused on providing natural healing therapies for the low-income community, which makes our services accessible to anyone that has a need. Your donation to CORE not only impacts the organization, but it directly impacts the lives of our clients.
We want our organization to be known to the community as a safe place to heal from our past experiences. These donations allow CORE El Centro to continue to guide our patients along their journey of healing.
Giving to CORE El Centro made easy!
Announcing CORE El Centro GEM Club!
The CORE of your being is GENEROSITY and HOPE. Go to the CORE and consider becoming a member of the GEM Club; "Be a GEM" for CORE El Centro. You select how much you give and it's automatically deducted from your account, or automatically charged to your credit card.
With a $20 a month/$240 annual donation you are making it possible for a family of five to access healing treatments, receive health and nutrition education and enjoy holistic exercise classes together.
If 250 people give $20/month, CORE receives $60,000 for CORE El Centro’s Mission
If 250 people give $14/month, CORE receives $42,000 for CORE El Centro’s Mission
Care for Earth with paper-free monthly giving!
Two options to join the GEM Club:
1) Click on the “donate” button below. Enter your info, your credit card info, and the monthly amount you would like to donate. Select “monthly” under “frequency”.
2)Download and print our automatic withdrawal form, complete and sign the form, and mail it to the address on the form.
What is the impact of a donation?
Financial gifts support low-income or marginalized individuals:
$20.00 offers a child a month of movement classes and family programming.
$35.00 provides an adult unlimited holistic wellness and movement classes for a month in a supportive community.
$120.00 sponsors a child to attend CORE El Centro's Kids Camp with topics like gardening, dance, martial arts, cooking, and more.
$180.00 supplements the cost of three massage therapy sessions for a community member recovering from trauma.
$600.00 affords eight sessions of acupuncture to an individual living with cancer.
Other ways you can support CORE El Centro:
Corporate Matching Gifts: Your employer may double or triple your gift to CORE El Centro. Ask your Human Resource Department for details.
Planned Gifts: As you make your estate plans, please consider a bequest or a planned giving of cash, stocks or real estate to CORE El Centro.