Reiki Training Workshops
Reiki is a gentle, healing art that draws on universal life energy to benefit persons of any age, in any state of health. It offers comfort, nurturance, and support for the good health and balance of your mind, body and emotions.
The Reiki Training Program involves three levels of training to become a Reiki Master and four levels to become a Reiki Master Teacher. Levels 1 and 2 together provide the student enough information and experience to practice Reiki.
It is important for anyone choosing to be trained in Reiki to be open to where and how you feel called to practice Reiki. Before beginning the program, students must have had a Reiki treatment. Contact our clinic (phone number in the footer of this page) if you are curious about trying Reiki in our clinic.
Each level of Reiki training includes theory, practice, and integration time. To be an integrated practitioner of Reiki, it is important to take 3-4 months between each level of training. This gives your body, mind and spirit time to find balance and it provides you the time to discern your call in the field of Reiki.
All classes require a $25.00 registration deposit fee and completed registration form to secure your participation.
Training Dates and Descriptions:
Note: Students need a minimum of 3 months between classes but are welcome to switch cohorts to take more time as needed.
Reiki 1: July 12th & 13th, 2025
For more information and to be put on the interest list for Reiki Training please email
Level: Reiki I (2-days)
Cost: $225
Description: Individuals will receive the First Degree Reiki Attunement, connecting you to the unlimited source of reiki energy. An overview of the meaning, purposes, effects and history of reiki energy therapy is discussed. Procedures for giving a complete reiki treatment to others and to oneself are also provided. First Degree Reiki Certificate will be awarded.
Pre-requisite: Having received a reiki treatment prior to taking first class
Location: CORE El Centro
Level: Reiki II (1 day)
Cost: $150
Description: The second degree training builds on the energy healing process taught in the First Degree training. Those who desire to expand their energy healing abilities and open themselves to the deepening power of reiki are encouraged to participate.
This level includes: Receiving the Second Degree Reiki Attunement; the reiki power symbols and their use in a reiki treatment; how to evaluate the energy flow in clients; other procedures for a complete reiki treatment; procedures for absentee reiki treatments (sending reiki to someone at a distance); supervised practice sessions; guidelines for establishing your own reiki practice and a Second Degree Reiki Certificate.
Pre-requisite: First Degree Reiki Training Attunement and 3-4 months of practice
Location: CORE El Centro
Level: Reiki III (1 day)
Cost: $150
Description: The Advanced Reiki Training includes: review of levels I and II. Masters Level Power Attunement and symbol; advanced reiki for certain conditions; enhanced treatment procedures; reiki meditation practices; supervised practice sessions; ways to expand, nourish and balance your own energy and an Advanced Reiki Certificate.
Pre-requisite: First and Second Degree Reiki Training
Location: CORE El Centro
Level: Reiki IV: Master Teacher Training (2 weekends)
Cost: $600 - includes both weekends
This level of training is meant for those who wish to teach Reiki to others. It is a 1-year commitment. It consists of two full weekends. The first weekend will introduce the student to the various components of a Reiki class and provide some hands-on learning. The second weekend is focused on practice teaching. Each student will be assigned a section of a Reiki class that they will then teach to the students attending the training. At the end of the training each student will be offered the opportunity to co-teach a Reiki class with a current instructor at CORE.
Pre-requisite: In order to be eligible for this class you must be a Reiki Master. This means you have taken Reiki 1, 2, and 3.
Location: CORE El Centro
Sign-up for Reiki Trainings via our MindBody platform.