Core Synchronism
What is Core Synchronism?
Core Synchronism is a gentle form of body work, using light touch to release blocks and disharmonious patterns in the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of the body. This system reestablishes proper body mechanics in alignment with the Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) and the central energetic Core Current. Core Synchronism results in balanced and unrestricted movement of vital energy in the mind and body, deep states of relaxation, and re-integration of the whole Self. Through proper flow of CSF and improved circulation and innervation, a variety of physical and emotional disorders can be treated.
What are the benefits? Who can have it done?
Core Synchronism is designed to restore harmony to the whole Self and is safe and appropriate for all conditions and ages.
Core treatment is an effective tool for detoxification, stress, trauma, hormonal imbalances. and adrenal fatigue.
It supports wellness, alignment, comfort, and recovery throughout and after pregnancy and birth.
It reduces and eliminates chronic pain, including headache and migraine, back, sciatic, and joint pain.
Core treatments have often been employed to support, expedite, and deepen the benefits of other modalities.